MMG August 2021 News

MMG August 2021 News

MMG August 2021 News

Our clinic remains open throughout all Victorian lockdowns. During this current lockdown we hope all our patients keep safe. Appointments are available at the clinic on weekdays and Saturday mornings. Some phone and video consultations are available.

Just a reminder that everyone who enters the clinic must scan the QR code on their way in or otherwise sign in at reception.  Please speak to the reception staff if you need assistance.





Doctors Leave

  • Dr Michael Dobson is on leave from 23 to 25 August 2021.

Staff Movements

  • This month we have Jenni starting with us on reception. Jenni is an experienced receptionist and is a welcome addition to our team.
  • We hope to be able to give all our staff are well deserved break in coming weeks as they have worked constantly throughout this pandemic. You may see some new faces on reception during this time.

Patient Survey

  • Thank you to all our patients who completed the patient survey that we sent out via SMS. We really appreciate you taking the time to complete the feedback. We have been overwhelmed with responses and it has been so pleasing to see so many of these completed. The responses are currently being collated and we will let you know the outcomes of this.
  • We are currently updating our on-hold phone message and our phone system in the next couple of weeks. We appreciate that our on-hold message has been dropping in and out however we have had to wait during lockdowns to get this reviewed and updated.

General Information

  • The floor near out reception area will be updated in coming weeks due this becoming uneven. We ask you all to take care when you are in this area.
  • Dr Peter Morris’s consulting room has been renovated in the past couple of weeks.


Stay Safe and Take Care.

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